Our Three-Fold Mission
About RIDM
“The need is the call.” Bill Wilson
RIDM is a life application ministry focused on the restoration of personal identity foundations, the pursuit of purpose, and spiritual advocacy for younger generations.
The history of RIDM began before time got started. It began in eternity when the eternal God, our Heavenly Father, looked out into time and saw the crisis of identity that his family of human offspring would face. He chose, designed and finished both the solution and the carrier of the solution before the foundation of the earth; then He birthed the carrier and set the appointed time for the physical manifestation of the solution. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.”
RIDM is a phenomenon whose time has come!
I came to this earth carrying the seed for this real identity solution. My parents didn’t know it, and for most of my life, I was also unaware of this divine destiny. However, our ignorance did not hinder God’s plans and purposes. Today, with confident assurance I can say that every single thing I have experienced since my “earth day” (the day of conception when my spirit was released from its heavenly place and conceived in my mother’s womb) has prepared me for this mission
Rev. Marva Tyndale
Veteran Blessing Ambassador
Rev. Marva Tyndale is an ambassador of the spoken blessing, author, intercessor, and messenger of hope to the generations. Under the banner of Real Identity Discovery Ministries, which she founded in 2006, Marva carries out her passion for spiritual advocacy for the next generation, and empowering individuals to discover their true identity and fulfill their life purpose. She delivers life-transforming messages and dynamic teaching from the pulpit, as well as through conferences, seminars, and retreats.
To many young people, she is known as “Auntie Marva.”
Marva’s first two books, “Keeping Our Hope Alive: Strategies to Restore Teens and Young Adults” and “911HOPE: When Your Youth or Young Adult is in Trouble” have been lifelines that train and equip many families for prayer. She also developed resources with prayers for the brain, an area often overlooked but crucial for victorious living.
“Recover Your Blessing Birthright: Transforming Lives and Culture with the Gift of Words” is Marva’s latest book which is bringing long-awaited freedom and empowerment to individuals of all ages. In 2020 she also launched Bite-Size Blessing through social media. Each edition of this resource includes twenty-one spoken blessings that take less than a minute.
Among other accomplishments, Marva developed the Prayer Partner Coaching Program for the Crossroads/100Huntley Street prayer line, she has appeared on television broadcasts and was a MissionFest Toronto Women's Forum keynote speaker. She is an ordained minister with the Ministers Network Canada (formerly Open Bible Faith Fellowship of Canada), and she holds the Master of Theology, Master of Sacred Studies, and Doctor of Divinity degrees.
Marva puts a high value on being a wife, mother, and grandmother. Marva resides in the Greater Toronto Area with her husband, Maurice.

RIDM Roadmap
Welcome, we’re glad you visited!
Our passion is for you to become the person God created you to be and find true meaning in life by pursuing your God-given purpose.
Who you think you are may not be who you really are, and getting to the real you is not a one-time experience.
We are delighted to come alongside you on the journey to becoming real.
First, how about a quick GPS exercise to locate where you are on this important journey?
The exercise involves three checkpoints: PONDER. REVIEW. ASSESS.
How Real Are You?

1. What does God think about you?
2. What makes you special?
3. Why do you exist?

The Personal Identity Road Map (Road Map) is to you what a physical roadmap is to a driver. It will help you navigate your way on the journey to your destination of becoming the person God created you to be. It will also help you bridge the gap between where you are presently and where you want to be.
Your personal identity journey involves two key dimensions: becoming who God says you are and doing what God designed you to accomplish.
On your journey, you will explore seven Service Stops, each unlocked by a key question. Your discoveries at each service stop build on each other and advance you toward the goal of realizing the greatness for which you were uniquely created.
Let’s begin the most liberating and rewarding journey of your life!
Recover Your Blessing Birthright
Can you imagine a future where silence does not leave children to figure out who they really are and their purpose for being alive?
. . . a future where deep wounds inflicted by ill-spoken words are not left to fester and later erupt as emotional and physical violence?
. . . a future in which the mainstay of our lives, from the womb to the end of our days, is the spoken blessing that legitimizes our existence, anchors us in unconditional love, and imparts to us treasures of belonging, security, significance, value, dignity and so much more?
. . . a future where we live in a culture saturated with the power of the spoken blessing and we faithfully exercise our God-given authority as blessing ambassadors?
- Discover the missing “something” that thoroughly satisfies hungry hearts.
- Recover the family blessings that God intended you to receive to empower you for a fulfilling journey through life.
- Receive the anointing of your heavenly Father’s Blessing Mantle.
- Develop the spiritual art of blessing your life, your family and wider community with the gift of your words.
- Be the agent of transformation that God has ordained you to become.